Tuesday, November 27, 2007

If stuff happens, and no one blogs it, does it really happen??

Hmm let's see. Where to begin?

1. I got my scarf from my scarf pal! It's pretty and fluffy warm and had all sorts of goodies in it! Yarn, tea, stitch markers, and the cutest little ornaments that looked like yarn balls with needles in them.
2. I shipped off my scarf to my pal. However after recieving the goodies from my pal I feel bad. I sent the scarf and some chocolate; no yarn, no tea, no cute little yarn ball ornaments. BUT the exchange was a $20 one and that was the cost of my yarn so I shouldn't feel bad. Right?

3. Thanksgiving came! Lots and lots of turkey. And family time. And wine. Lots of wine.

4. I learned that there are in fact 2 seperate celebrations in Mexico to celebrate their liberation from France -- ask me how I know. Go ahead. (Warning: it did involve 2 pitchers of pretty strong margaritas so my facts may be off a smidge, but I know what I know) I also scored some decorations from said celebration (I have no pictoral proof you'll just have to trust me)

5. I learned how to block using an iron! Ok, I was lazy and the ribbing was too tight and the iron was right there so...
6. I like taking pictures of my dogs. Especially when they make faces like this:

and this:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dirty Thirties, here I come!

Ok, so I haven't posted in awhile, but there's good reason. I was hiding under the bed shaking trying to avoid turning 30, it was supposed to happen in Vegas but The Powers that Be had other plans so it was here. But there was cake -- ICE CREAM CAKE! So I guess it wasn't all bad, I bought (and drank) some wine, got new needles (now how am I going to avoid making him that sweater), and had survived. All's well.

On knitting news, my scarf is done for the ISE5! I'm so happy I don't have to worry about it being late, well I haven't mailed it yet. It'll be fine! I hope she likes it, I do and so does everyone else. I'm just a nervouse nelly! Wanna see it? Here ya go:
Oh and before I forget, look what else I got! Aren't they the cutest things ever?!?

Little knitted mice! The black one is a little hard to see and I'm not feeling very photoshoppy today so just believe me there's a black one there.

Alright, back to work!