Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The first snow!

This is what greeted me as I walked outside the kitchen this morning. How pretty, the first snow of winter.

It was almost worth the extra 30mins it took me to get into work today -- almost.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

If stuff happens, and no one blogs it, does it really happen??

Hmm let's see. Where to begin?

1. I got my scarf from my scarf pal! It's pretty and fluffy warm and had all sorts of goodies in it! Yarn, tea, stitch markers, and the cutest little ornaments that looked like yarn balls with needles in them.
2. I shipped off my scarf to my pal. However after recieving the goodies from my pal I feel bad. I sent the scarf and some chocolate; no yarn, no tea, no cute little yarn ball ornaments. BUT the exchange was a $20 one and that was the cost of my yarn so I shouldn't feel bad. Right?

3. Thanksgiving came! Lots and lots of turkey. And family time. And wine. Lots of wine.

4. I learned that there are in fact 2 seperate celebrations in Mexico to celebrate their liberation from France -- ask me how I know. Go ahead. (Warning: it did involve 2 pitchers of pretty strong margaritas so my facts may be off a smidge, but I know what I know) I also scored some decorations from said celebration (I have no pictoral proof you'll just have to trust me)

5. I learned how to block using an iron! Ok, I was lazy and the ribbing was too tight and the iron was right there so...
6. I like taking pictures of my dogs. Especially when they make faces like this:

and this:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dirty Thirties, here I come!

Ok, so I haven't posted in awhile, but there's good reason. I was hiding under the bed shaking trying to avoid turning 30, it was supposed to happen in Vegas but The Powers that Be had other plans so it was here. But there was cake -- ICE CREAM CAKE! So I guess it wasn't all bad, I bought (and drank) some wine, got new needles (now how am I going to avoid making him that sweater), and had survived. All's well.

On knitting news, my scarf is done for the ISE5! I'm so happy I don't have to worry about it being late, well I haven't mailed it yet. It'll be fine! I hope she likes it, I do and so does everyone else. I'm just a nervouse nelly! Wanna see it? Here ya go:
Oh and before I forget, look what else I got! Aren't they the cutest things ever?!?

Little knitted mice! The black one is a little hard to see and I'm not feeling very photoshoppy today so just believe me there's a black one there.

Alright, back to work!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ah, Monday night football and margaritas

How can this happen? How can you fall asleep (more like pass out) during Monday Night Football? This wasn't even a late game; it was basically wrapped up in the 2nd quarter. But glory of all glorys my future husband (Dwight, I'm still patiently waiting) got a safety -- A SAFETY! Do you know how hard those are to get?!? And while I'm jumping up and down and screaming (b/c that means a bigger bonus for him and well a bigger ring for me right?) there the 2 boys in the chair sawing logs. You'd think they didn't care.

In other news; I'm tired! Who knew a 7mo old boxer puppy can be such hard work. Anyone have any magically suggestions about cleaning puppy poo out of the carpet withoug actually getting on your knees and getting the poo under your nails? I'll pay!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Almost knit free -- nope 100% knit free

Friday we went to the newest reincarnation of The Why Store featuring Benito DeBartoli's band fronted by Mr. Sexy (aka Chris Shaffer). I was excited about this combo and worried at the same time -- I love both bands but they are SO different. Benito plays Stevie Ray Vaughn covers and nice solid bluesy rocky songs and Chris plays Why Store songs and rock, but not bluesy rock but WOW, they were amazing. They didn't have much (if any) practice but you couldn't tell they rocked it. And the bass player (poor bass players always get overlooked) was awesome, he was able to look over the shoulders and keep the cords that way. Talent! You could scream the cords out to me and I'd still be behind on changes! I just hope that Benito still does his thing while helping out b/c they are an amazing band on their own and I'd hate to loose that; but it is a great combination when one song can take you 20 mins.

Saturday after long talks and many trips to the shelter we finally found our newest family member. This is Roxi; she's 7months old and way too skinny! She's so freaking tall and a very active, curious puppy. Boxers are full of energy and she is no different -- I forgot just how much work a puppy is. Luckily she's picking up quick on the housetraining and based on this weekend she's going to learn "NO!" rather quickly too. But as fiesty and horrible she is, she's so darn cute and loveable!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Frick! Frick! Frick!

So, I sat myself down and knitted a cardigan -- a really pretty green merino/baby alpaca blend cardigan with a pretty lace pattern. I didn't like the way the pattern looked on the suggested size needles so I went down 2 (yup 2) needle sizes thinking, "No biggie I'll just add some extra rows" Which I did and the length of this sweater is perfect -- it hits at the perfect spot on the hips; doesn't make me look hippy, or make my butt look big it's perfect. Well, except the fact that it's TOO FREAKING SMALL AROUND. Lesson learned: when going down 2 needle sizes; add to the width too. Anyone around here a size 30 bust? If so you can be the proud owner of this (and notice the pretty pattern):

It was a day full of knitting lessons yesterday. Lesson #2: Do not attempt to knit a pattern while watching football. Even if your team is pounding the other team into the turf; it's not a good idea. See:

Can you see it? It's the only thing I can notice now. Double Frick! Now I have to rip it back almost 24 rows of pattern. Frick! It's not like this is on a time line (it's been on needles for like 3 football seasons now) but I've been working on it off and on without any major malfunction and now look, 24 rows!

Ok, now onto a knitting highlight (I think). Here is the scarf I've been working on for my ISE5 pal (I don't think she has my blog link so I should be ok to post it here). I'm not sure, I love the pattern, I love the yarn and I'm hoping I'll love the two together when it's blocked and in the mail. This is my 3rd pattern and 2nd yarn so I'm over the whole thing already. But, take a look and tell me what you think -- as long as it's nice and doesn't involve any more ripping:

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I love Oktoberfest! The beer, the food, the music, and the people. Oh my God, the people! Just look at this crowd:

This was taken just after the band started playing at 7pm; we got there at 4 to make sure we had a table and by 7 we were so glad we did! Thank God Kara showed me the secret potty or I'd have been screwed (the nonsecret one is right through that crowd of people)

Polka Boy played a great show (as usual) and even Ethel came out to sing us a song.

I know it's a little hard to see but it was late and I'd be Oktoberfesting since 4. It's a real joy to the ears to hear AC/DC sung by the likes of Ethel Merman!

Well, all in all I think we had a great time and can't wait until next year when we can do it all over again -- I'll be there at 4 if you need a place to sit.

And since this is a knitting blog a quick update: I restarted the scarf for my exchange pal -- I like this one a lot better than the lace weight I started. I hope she likes it, she's been knitting longer than I have and I'm sure has made lots of lovely things I just hope this goes over well it's one of my favorite patterns. Oh, and I'll include a picture of the Cameilla Sweater that caused me so much knitting angst that I even forgot I'm not a size 2. Huh, go figure! It's a gorgeous sweater though, just not one for a girl with boobs (or a waist).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cross your fingers!

So here it is; the Cameilla sweater from Glampyre knits; I only have one more piece to finish and then I can block it and sew it together. However, I really don't think it's going to fit. See the long piece and the two vertical pieces? That's supposed to be the back, and the shoulders. Yeah, that's right the back and the shoulders. The little horizontal piece? That's the front, from the boobs to the hips. Uh huh, see the problem. Even with blocking I'm still not so sure. I even took the pieces apart earlier and added like 2inches or so to them so they'd be to gauge -- I'm hoping that's pre-blocked gauge or I know a 3yr old that has a new pretty green cardigan to grow into.

Here's a close up of the lace, do you think we have a chance? Let's hope the blocking Gods are on my side! This is why momma always said to do a swatch!

On a side note, classes suck! Why did I decide to go back? I'm never going to use this knowledge I"m building in my head -- I really like my job as a lab rat and really have no interest in finishing up this BS, then going to get a PhD so I can shrink little heads. It does sound cool, and I'm totally in love with all the weird abnormal things that can go wrong but another 7yrs of school (if I'm lucky) doesn't really sound good now. And the worst part is I'm such an anal bitch that I won't blow off the classes and I have this "I have to get an A or I'll explode" mind set so I have to study.

Alright, well tomorrow is Oktoberfest! I'm so excited I can just polka right here. Mr. Jesi has blown me off, but my real friends will fight the drunken crowds and 2hr line to go pee with me. It's time like these you find out who really loves you! I'll be sure to post pictures after I sober up and can coherently edit out the bad ones!
I still miss my Ralphy, but Jesi's friend brought over a puppy who's future sibling has been promised to me and I realized, I don't want it. Who wants a cute love you to death puppy when you had an old I hate you and all you stand for cranky dog?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Worst Weekend EVER!

So, this weekend sucked.

I had to put my older boston to sleep Saturday and while I know it was the right thing to do and that he was suffering and no longer living life just existing it still sucks. I got him from rescue in 2000 and was just going to vet him and foster him while I found a forever home for him -- yeah right. He was adopted out twice and bit the adopters each time with the last time being a child's face; afer that he was no longer considered adoptable and either had to live with me or be put down. Well, he became my dog and Wally had a brother. I do have to say that the 7yrs that I had him he bit everyone: my mom, granny, grandpa, friends, boyfriends (he even peed on some poor guys head on our first overnighter needless to say it was also our last overnighter) the vet, and Mr. Jesi but never ever did he bite me. I had no choice he became mine. Well speed up to last month when he started having seizures and was diagnosed with heart failure, the vet gave him 3-6months and he gave it a good effort and lasted 1 month. I guess I could have kept him going longer but he had gained 3lbs in water weight in 1 week and couldn't walk and just stopped being Ralph so before he started to suffer any longer I made the hardest decision ever and let him go. It sucked and still does, I still expect to see him walking around. The one thing that gave me a silver lining was the fact that he bit the vet while he got the first shot. That's my boy!

On a better note; I met with the group of knitters and had a good time. I find it really helps me get my knit on having other people to be with and it was what I really needed after the morning I'd had. I got the birthday shawl done at 12am and blocked it overnight, I'm so happy I got it done! After blocking it wrapped all the way around my shoulders and actually looked pretty damn good! I warned Mr. Jesi that his grandma better appreciate it for what it was and she did, I didn't have to snatch it back. And now I know that I can finish something and give it away without crumbling under pressure.

Drum Roll please:

Alright, well that's all I can do now. I need to start on my sweater.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Birthday Shawl

Originally uploaded by telejesi
So some time last week between the stupid 7hour interview, the late nights out rocking and very little sleep I thought it would be a good idea to knit a shawl for Mr. Jesi's grandmother. Her birthday is Wednesday (TOMORROW) and we're having lunch with her on Sunday (in 4 days -- 4) at which time I'm supposed to have this done, blocked, wrapped and ready to go. Stop laughing, it can totally happen!

This is the first time I've ever gifted any thing I've knitted (besides hats and a scarf or two) so I'm nervous; this is like my baby. What if she doesn't like it? What if she throws it in the washer and ruins it? It's too much stress!! I've already told Mr. Jesi that if she doesn't give it the appreciation I think it deserves I'm snatching it back and taking it home where it'll sit in my closet where it'll be petted and looked at and never worn (gee, what a great life!)

In other news, I'm so excited about my new blog -- I hope I can keep up on it, bug the hell out of me if I start to slack! I have lots of pictures of 1/2 way done knitting projects to put up and need the nags of you all (you all are out there right?) to help me finish them. I'm trying to start a knitting group on my side of town and our first meeting is this Saturday -- I'm nervous no one will show up, or they'll show up this time and never again.

Ok, it was lovely talking to you all but I have 4balls of cotton silk to knit up in 4 days.