Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Ah, Monday night football and margaritas

How can this happen? How can you fall asleep (more like pass out) during Monday Night Football? This wasn't even a late game; it was basically wrapped up in the 2nd quarter. But glory of all glorys my future husband (Dwight, I'm still patiently waiting) got a safety -- A SAFETY! Do you know how hard those are to get?!? And while I'm jumping up and down and screaming (b/c that means a bigger bonus for him and well a bigger ring for me right?) there the 2 boys in the chair sawing logs. You'd think they didn't care.

In other news; I'm tired! Who knew a 7mo old boxer puppy can be such hard work. Anyone have any magically suggestions about cleaning puppy poo out of the carpet withoug actually getting on your knees and getting the poo under your nails? I'll pay!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Almost knit free -- nope 100% knit free

Friday we went to the newest reincarnation of The Why Store featuring Benito DeBartoli's band fronted by Mr. Sexy (aka Chris Shaffer). I was excited about this combo and worried at the same time -- I love both bands but they are SO different. Benito plays Stevie Ray Vaughn covers and nice solid bluesy rocky songs and Chris plays Why Store songs and rock, but not bluesy rock but WOW, they were amazing. They didn't have much (if any) practice but you couldn't tell they rocked it. And the bass player (poor bass players always get overlooked) was awesome, he was able to look over the shoulders and keep the cords that way. Talent! You could scream the cords out to me and I'd still be behind on changes! I just hope that Benito still does his thing while helping out b/c they are an amazing band on their own and I'd hate to loose that; but it is a great combination when one song can take you 20 mins.

Saturday after long talks and many trips to the shelter we finally found our newest family member. This is Roxi; she's 7months old and way too skinny! She's so freaking tall and a very active, curious puppy. Boxers are full of energy and she is no different -- I forgot just how much work a puppy is. Luckily she's picking up quick on the housetraining and based on this weekend she's going to learn "NO!" rather quickly too. But as fiesty and horrible she is, she's so darn cute and loveable!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Frick! Frick! Frick!

So, I sat myself down and knitted a cardigan -- a really pretty green merino/baby alpaca blend cardigan with a pretty lace pattern. I didn't like the way the pattern looked on the suggested size needles so I went down 2 (yup 2) needle sizes thinking, "No biggie I'll just add some extra rows" Which I did and the length of this sweater is perfect -- it hits at the perfect spot on the hips; doesn't make me look hippy, or make my butt look big it's perfect. Well, except the fact that it's TOO FREAKING SMALL AROUND. Lesson learned: when going down 2 needle sizes; add to the width too. Anyone around here a size 30 bust? If so you can be the proud owner of this (and notice the pretty pattern):

It was a day full of knitting lessons yesterday. Lesson #2: Do not attempt to knit a pattern while watching football. Even if your team is pounding the other team into the turf; it's not a good idea. See:

Can you see it? It's the only thing I can notice now. Double Frick! Now I have to rip it back almost 24 rows of pattern. Frick! It's not like this is on a time line (it's been on needles for like 3 football seasons now) but I've been working on it off and on without any major malfunction and now look, 24 rows!

Ok, now onto a knitting highlight (I think). Here is the scarf I've been working on for my ISE5 pal (I don't think she has my blog link so I should be ok to post it here). I'm not sure, I love the pattern, I love the yarn and I'm hoping I'll love the two together when it's blocked and in the mail. This is my 3rd pattern and 2nd yarn so I'm over the whole thing already. But, take a look and tell me what you think -- as long as it's nice and doesn't involve any more ripping:

Sunday, October 7, 2007


I love Oktoberfest! The beer, the food, the music, and the people. Oh my God, the people! Just look at this crowd:

This was taken just after the band started playing at 7pm; we got there at 4 to make sure we had a table and by 7 we were so glad we did! Thank God Kara showed me the secret potty or I'd have been screwed (the nonsecret one is right through that crowd of people)

Polka Boy played a great show (as usual) and even Ethel came out to sing us a song.

I know it's a little hard to see but it was late and I'd be Oktoberfesting since 4. It's a real joy to the ears to hear AC/DC sung by the likes of Ethel Merman!

Well, all in all I think we had a great time and can't wait until next year when we can do it all over again -- I'll be there at 4 if you need a place to sit.

And since this is a knitting blog a quick update: I restarted the scarf for my exchange pal -- I like this one a lot better than the lace weight I started. I hope she likes it, she's been knitting longer than I have and I'm sure has made lots of lovely things I just hope this goes over well it's one of my favorite patterns. Oh, and I'll include a picture of the Cameilla Sweater that caused me so much knitting angst that I even forgot I'm not a size 2. Huh, go figure! It's a gorgeous sweater though, just not one for a girl with boobs (or a waist).